Nanjing Jiangning Shuntai Precision Machinery Factory
Ball Screw

Ball Screw

  • How do you calculate ball screw torque?
    Apr 20, 2024
    Ball screw is a mechanical transmission device used to convert rotary motion into linear motion. It is commonly used in various CNC machine tools, mechanical equipment and automation systems. Calculating the torque of a ball screw requires considering the following factors: 1. Input torque: Input torque is the external torque acting on the ball screw. It can be provided by the driving force, which can be a motor or other power device. The input torque is transmitted to the output through the ball system of the ball screw. 2. Ball screw transmission efficiency: The transmission efficiency of the ball screw is usually above 90%, which may vary depending on the specific ball screw type and usage conditions. The higher the transmission efficiency, the smaller the difference between output torque and input torque. 3. Ball screw dynamic parameters: The dynamic parameters of the ball screw include pitch, lead and ball diameter. Pitch refers to the distance the ball screw moves axially during one revolution of the nut. Lead refers to the angle of rotation required for a ball screw to move axially for one revolution. Ball diameter refers to the diameter of the balls used in the ball screw. Generally speaking, the following formula can be used to calculate the torque of a ball screw: Torque = (input torque × transmission efficiency) / (pitch × 2π) Among them, the input torque and transmission efficiency are known parameters, the pitch represents the axial movement distance of the ball screw, and 2π represents the rotation angle of one revolution. Please note that the units in the above formula must be consistent, for example, the unit of torque is Newton·meter (N·m) and the unit of pitch is meter (m). It should be noted that the torque calculation of the ball screw is a simplified model. In actual applications, some other factors may need to be considered, such as the loading conditions of the ball screw, friction and wear, etc., which may affect the torque. When designing and selecting a ball screw, it is recommended to refer to the relevant ball screw design manual or consult a professional engineer for more accurate calculation methods and parameter selection.
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  • What is the difference between ball screw drive and lead screw drive?
    Apr 18, 2024
    Ball screw transmission and lead screw transmission are two common mechanical transmission methods. The differences between them are as follows: 1. Working principle: In screw transmission, the thread cooperation between the threaded screw and the nut causes the nut to move along the axial direction of the screw when the screw rotates. In ball screw transmission, the thread surface of the threaded screw is supported by balls. Under the action of the balls, the ball screw has higher efficiency and greater load capacity. 2. Efficiency and precision: The efficiency of ball screw transmission is usually higher than that of screw transmission because the rolling friction of the balls is smaller than the sliding friction of the thread. In addition, ball screw transmission has high positioning accuracy and repeatable positioning accuracy, and is suitable for applications that require higher accuracy. 3. Load capacity: Due to the rolling effect of the balls, the ball screw drive has a greater load capacity than the screw drive. Ball screw drives can generally handle higher axial and inclination loads. 4. Friction and wear: The rolling friction of the ball screw drive is smaller, so there is less frictional heat and wear, making it more reliable at high speeds and long periods of operation. In general, ball screw transmission has higher efficiency, greater load capacity and better accuracy than screw transmission, but its manufacturing cost is higher. Therefore, the choice of ball screw drive or lead screw drive should be decided based on the requirements and budget of the specific application.
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  • What is the best material for ball screw?
    Apr 17, 2024
    Ball screws are used to realize the transmission and positioning of mechanical motion, and the selection of their materials will directly affect their performance and life. The most commonly used ball screw materials include the following: 1. High carbon chromium steel: High carbon chromium steel has excellent hardness and strength and can withstand high loads and high-speed movements. This material is commonly used for the balls and raceways of ball screws. 2. Stainless steel: Stainless steel has good corrosion resistance and is suitable for applications in humid environments or in contact with corrosive media. Stainless steel ball screws are commonly used in areas such as food processing, medical equipment and semiconductor manufacturing. When selecting ball screw materials, you need to consider the requirements of your specific application, including factors such as load, speed, accuracy, and operating environment. Ball screws made of different materials will have their own advantages and limitations in different application scenarios, and they need to be selected according to specific circumstances. In addition, manufacturers and suppliers often provide recommendations and suggestions for different application needs. Customized ball screws, look for Nanjing Shuntai, professional technology and enthusiastic after-sales attitude to give customers a perfect shopping experience. Please contact us if you have any needs.
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  • How do you manufacture lead screws?
    Apr 15, 2024
    The lead screw is a mechanical component commonly used in transmission and linear motion systems. Ball screw manufacturing process usually involves the following steps: 1. Material selection: Choose appropriate materials. Common screw materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, and brass. 2. Cutting: Use machine tools and other tools to cut the material to create the initial shape of the screw. This process can include processes such as turning, milling and drilling. 3. Quenching and grinding: In order to improve the hardness and surface finish of the screw, the screw is usually quenched. The quenched screw also needs to be ground to achieve higher accuracy and surface quality requirements. 4. Thread processing: Thread processing is performed on the screw, that is, thread patterns are generated on the screw. This can be achieved by turning or rolling. 5. Surface treatment: In order to improve the corrosion resistance and surface quality of the screw, you can choose to perform surface treatments such as chrome plating and zinc plating. 6. Inspection and assembly: Conduct dimensional and appearance quality inspection on the manufactured screw to ensure it meets the design requirements. The screw and related parts are then assembled to form a complete mechanical transmission system. These steps can be adjusted and optimized based on the specific requirements and usage scenarios of the lead screw. Manufacturing screws requires certain professional equipment and process control, and is generally produced by professional manufacturing companies.
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  • What is a ball screw in CNC?
    Apr 12, 2024
    A ball screw is a transmission device used in CNC machine tools and other precision equipment. Ball screws use the principle of cooperation between balls and screw threads to transmit force and motion. The ball thread nut is equipped with balls inside, and the balls roll between the ball thread and the screw thread, thereby reducing sliding friction and improving transmission efficiency and accuracy. Compared with traditional threaded screw transmission, ball screws have the following advantages: 1. High efficiency: Since the balls roll instead of slide, the friction loss is small and the transmission efficiency is high. 2. High precision: The ball thread and screw thread of the ball screw have high precision, small transmission error, and can achieve high positioning accuracy. 3. High stiffness: Due to the small contact area of the balls, the ball screw has high stiffness and can withstand larger loads. 4. High-speed movement: Ball screws can achieve higher speeds due to their small friction. Therefore, ball screws are widely used in CNC machine tools, automation equipment, robots and other fields in applications that require high precision, high stiffness and high-speed motion.
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  • Communicate and learn with customers
    Mar 06, 2024
    Communicating and learning with foreign customers is an exciting and challenging process that can help you expand your cross-cultural communication skills, understand international business etiquette, and improve your communication skills. Here are some suggestions to help you better communicate and learn from foreign customers: 1. Learn the other party’s culture: Understand the other party’s country’s history, values, social customs and business environment. This can help you better understand their background and behavior, avoid culture clashes, and build a better trusting relationship. 2. Prepare in advance: Make sure to make adequate preparations before communicating with foreign customers. Understand their business, products and services, as well as the challenges and needs they may face. This will allow you to communicate more purposefully and demonstrate your concern and expertise for them. 3. Learn their language: Try to learn something of the other person’s language, even if it’s just some basic greetings and common expressions. Not only does this help you understand the other person better, it also shows that you respect and are willing to put in the effort to communicate effectively with them. 4. Pay attention to language and cultural differences: When communicating with foreign customers, pay attention to language and cultural differences. Language can be misunderstood, so you should try to use concise and clear expressions and avoid using slang or jargon that is difficult to understand. Additionally, pay attention to nonverbal communication styles in different cultures, such as eye contact, body language, and the meaning of gestures. 5. Active listening and asking questions: Actively listen to the other person’s views and needs, and ask targeted questions. This demonstrates your interest and concern and ensures you understand the other person correctly. Avoid expressing opinions too directly or dogmatically, and respect and accept different views and opinions. 6. Adapt to time zone differences: If you and your foreign clients are in different time zones, be sure to arrange meeting times reasonably. Try to find a time that is convenient for both parties, and be sure to inform the other party of the meeting arrangements in advance. 7. Use appropriate technology tools: Use appropriate technology tools to communicate remotely, such as conference calls, video conferencing, or online collaboration platforms. Make sure you are familiar with the tool you are using and test its stability and reliability during communications. 8. Respect business etiquette: Understand the business etiquette of the other country and try to abide by it. This shows your respect and value for your partner, while also helping to build a good business relationship. 9. Pay attention to cross-cultural communication skills: Actively seek and learn cross-cultural communication skills and strategies. Learn how to deal with conflicts and misunderstandings in different cultural contexts, and how to build cooperative and win-win relationships. 10. Continuous learning and improvement: Communication and learning with foreign customers is a process of continuous development and improvement. Continuously learn and improve your communication skills and cross-cultural cooperation capabilities by reflecting on and summarizing experiences.
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  • Why are ball screws so expensive?
    Jan 26, 2024
    Ball screws can be relatively expensive due to several reasons: 1. Precision Manufacturing: Ball screws require high precision manufacturing processes to achieve tight tolerances and smooth operation. The manufacturing process involves grinding the screw thread and the matching ball nut to ensure optimal fit and minimal backlash. This precision manufacturing adds to the overall cost. 2. Quality Materials: Ball screws are typically made from high-quality materials such as hardened steel for the screw and a nut made from materials like bronze or steel. The selection of these materials ensures durability, corrosion resistance, and long operational life, but they can be costly. 3. Complex Design: The design of ball screws involves a complex configuration with multiple components such as balls, circulation systems, and seals. The precise engineering and fitting of these components to minimize friction, increase efficiency, and reduce wear contribute to the higher cost. 4. Performance and Efficiency: Ball screws offer advantages over other types of screws in terms of performance, such as high load capacity, accuracy, and minimal backlash. Achieving these performance characteristics requires high-quality materials and precision manufacturing, which can drive up the cost. 5. Specialized Applications: Ball screws are commonly used in applications that require precise linear motion, such as CNC machines, servo systems, robotics, and aerospace equipment. The specialized nature of these applications often demands stringent requirements, leading to higher costs. While ball screws may seem expensive compared to other screw types, their performance, accuracy, and durability make them valuable in many industrial and high-precision applications.
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  • What is the life of a ball screw
    Jan 17, 2024
    The life of a ball screw can vary depending on various factors such as the quality of the ball screw, operating conditions, maintenance, and the specific application it is used in. Generally, ball screws are designed to provide a long service life, and their durability is one of the reasons they are preferred in many industrial applications. The life of a ball screw is typically expressed in terms of the number of revolutions or distance traveled before it reaches a specific level of wear or failure. Manufacturers often provide specifications for their ball screws, including the expected service life under given conditions. The service life of a ball screw can be affected by factors such as the load applied, rotational speed, operating temperature, contamination, lubrication, and maintenance practices. Higher loads, faster speeds, harsh operating conditions, inadequate lubrication, and lack of proper maintenance can all contribute to a reduced service life. To maximize the life of a ball screw, it is important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper installation, lubrication, and maintenance. Regular inspection, cleaning, and lubrication can help prevent premature wear and extend the useful life of the ball screw.
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  • Introduction to the differences between planetary roller screws and ball screws
    Jan 04, 2024
    Some customers may ask, what type of ball screw can the nut and screw be separated from and can be screwed on during use? In fact, there is no such ball screw, because after the nut and screw are separated, the balls fall out and the screw can no longer be used. However, a trapezoidal screw is okay, because there are no balls, and the nut can be unscrewed and then screwed back on without any impact. There is also a screw that is more precise than the ball screw, which is the planetary ball screw. The planetary roller screw is a mechanism that converts rotational motion into linear motion. The rolling element between the nut and the screw is a threaded roller. The numerous contact lines make the planetary roller screw have a very strong load-bearing capacity. Planetary roller screws are classified into: roller non-circulating type (RGT series and RGTB series), roller circulating type (RGTR series). A planetary roller screw is a mechanical device that converts rotational motion into linear motion. The planetary roller screw transmission method is unique. Around the main threaded screw, 6-12 threaded roller screws are arranged on the planet, which converts the rotational motion of the motor into the linear motion of the screw cup or nut. Planetary screws can withstand heavy loads for thousands of man-hours in extremely harsh environments, making planetary screws an ideal choice for applications requiring continuous duty. A planetary roller screw is a rolling system that includes a threaded screw and a number of nuts with rollers at both ends. The rollers run in orbit driven by synchronized gears at both ends of the nut. Compared with ball screw red, it has higher load-bearing capacity and accuracy, but the cost is expensive, 2-10 times that of ball screw. Generally, enterprises will not choose or need to use this kind of roller screw, while planetary ball screw Screws are usually used in high-precision industries. ​
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  • How to choose single and double nuts for ball screws?
    Dec 22, 2023
    There are many types of nuts in the product catalogs of various ball screw manufacturers. The first few letters in the general model number indicate the nut type. According to the flange form, there are round flange, single trimmed flange, double trimmed flange and flangeless flange. According to the length of the nut, there are single nuts and double nuts (note that there is no difference in load and rigidity between single nuts and double nuts. Do not listen to the manufacturer's sales staff's speech on this point. The main difference between single nuts and double nuts is that the latter can adjust the preload. The former cannot, and the price and length of the latter are roughly twice that of the former). When the installation size and performance permit, designers should try to choose conventional ball screws when selecting to avoid problems with the delivery date of spare parts during maintenance. Recommendation: Choose double nuts for frequent movements and high-precision maintenance situations, and single nuts with double trimming for other situations. Summary and recommendation: Try to choose single nut with internal circulation double trimming flange as the nut form. ​
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  • Select parameters required for ball screw
    Dec 05, 2023
    Ball screw is a common mechanical transmission element widely used in industry, mechanical equipment and automation systems. Choosing the right ball screw is a key factor in ensuring efficient operation and long-term use of mechanical equipment. Here are a few key points to consider when selecting a ball screw: 1. Load capacity: The load capacity of the ball screw is one of the key factors in selection. The maximum axial and radial loads required need to be determined to ensure that the ball screw can withstand the working load and maintain stable operation. 2. Accuracy requirements: Select the appropriate ball screw accuracy grade according to the accuracy requirements of the application. There are usually different accuracy levels such as C0, C3, and C5 to choose from. The higher the accuracy level, the higher the transmission accuracy. 3. Movement speed: Consider the maximum linear speed required by the ball screw to determine whether the selected ball screw can meet the movement speed requirements. Higher movement speeds may require the use of preload structures to reduce vibration and heat in the ball screw. 4. Lifetime requirements: Determine the required service life and reliability requirements. According to the rated life and selection life factors of the ball screw, consider the service life, maintenance cycle and reliability requirements, and select the appropriate product. 5. Installation space and dimensions: Consider the available installation space and the external dimensions of the ball screw. Make sure the ball screw you choose is suitable for the installation needs of your existing equipment or system. 6. Environmental conditions: Consider the special conditions of the use environment, such as temperature, humidity, corrosive media, etc. Choose a ball screw with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance or good sealing performance to ensure reliable operation in harsh environments. 7. Lubrication method: Determine the lubrication method of the ball screw. You can choose grease lubrication or oil lubrication, choose the corresponding lubrication method according to different applications, and perform regular lubrication maintenance. In short, choosing a suitable ball screw requires comprehensive consideration of the requirements of mechanical equipment, application environment, reliability requirements and economic factors. Communicate with suppliers or professional engineers and refer to the technical parameters and performance indicators provided by the ball screw manufacturer to ensure the best ball screw product is selected.
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  • Why do our ball screw receive a lot of praise
    Nov 10, 2023
    We have extremely high standards and strict rules and regulations when making ball screw. The following are the points we need to pay attention to during the production of ball screws. The positioning system of machine tools is usually driven by ball screws, which have high stiffness and low sensitivity to external disturbances. However, as modern machine tools increase positioning speed and acceleration, the resonant modes of these systems may be excited, thereby reducing trajectory tracking accuracy. Therefore, machine design and controller selection and adjustment require a dynamic model that includes vibration modes. The basic function of the ball screw feed driver is to convert the rotational motion of the servo motor into linear reciprocating motion of the platform. The ball screw feed drive device used in CNC machine tools is modular and integrated with high-performance mechanical components such as roller/ball linear guide rails, pre tensioned ball screw pairs, screw shafts, bearing support units, bolt joints, couplings, etc. The ball screw feed driver needs to transmit load and motion to the spindle, tool holder, or workpiece with high positioning accuracy and low friction. The platform is generally supported by four carriages and two guide rails to ensure sufficient stiffness. The nut and platform are installed together through flange ends and bolts. The screw shaft passes through the nut cavity, and its two ends are supported by bearing support units. The bearing support unit is fixed to the base by bolts and consists of a ball bearing, housing, cover, and locking nut.
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